Emily Hare

Loud, energetic and enthusiastic coaching all-rounder for all ages & abilities. Loves coaching and getting the best out of her players.



Em, Hareyhead

Where are you from?

Born in UK – but lived most of life outside the UK, in France and Australia.

What sort of coach are you?

Loud, energetic and enthusiastic.

Why do you coach?

I love meeting new people and seeing clients progress and enjoying the sport.

Most memorable moment/s from your coaching so far

Coaching Cardio Tennis during a break at the Hopman Cup about 5 years ago, and smashing a ball into the stands and accidentally hitting a disabled person in the head. To make the story even more unbelievable, when I went up to apologise it turned out it was someone I know!

Favourite tennis player/s?

Roger Federer.

  • LTA UK
  • CCA 4 UK
  • Brevet D’etat France
  • Club Pro Equivalent in Australia
  • Current First Aid
  • Current Working With Children Card
Coaching Experience

Have coached in UK, France and Australia.

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